Pasta with Chicken and Vegetables in White Sauce

My first encounter with pasta was strangely in Kuwait. I moved there after my wedding and lived there for a brief period, during which I tried a number of cuisines for the very first time in my life! Honestly I never kept a count… There was this shopping mall that we used to frequently visit. At the food court in the mall was a pasta joint with a live kitchen. The chef mixed the ingredients and the sauces in front of the customers and always cooked and served with a smile as if he really cooked from his heart. The pasta soon became my staple everytime I went to that mall not just for the food but also for the friendly chef. I would watch intently as he mixed, and tossed the different types of pasta and topped it with a smile.
I did my research from the vast stream of online information and for the very first time made pasta with white and red sauce. Amazingly… it turned out very similar to the one our smiley chef used to make. I was thrilled with the results and soon started to try various combinations depending on what was at hand.
Just like her mother, my six year old loves pasta – she likes hers plain with a huge dollop of butter. My husband loves pasta in almost any given form.
This is another simple recipe with white sauce and chicken and vegetables. I use penne; you could use other pasta of your choice. Cook the penne in lots of salted boiling water as per package instructions. Do not overcook.
For the sauce, melt some butter and add garlic. Sauté till golden brown
Add the cream and milk. Stir for a minute.
When it begins to boil, turn the flame low, simmer and add mixed pepper powder, cayenne pepper and oregano. Add salt to taste. Stir well and switch off the gas.
Get started on the Chicken and Vegetable – you will need boneless chicken cut into thin bite sized strips
I used mushrooms, yellow bell pepper and spinach. It gives such beautiful color to the end result. And ofcourse some garlic.
Get started on the Chicken and Vegetable – Again melt some more butter, add the chicken and sauté on medium flame.
As the chicken starts to cook, add the bell pepper, sauté for a minute and add the mushrooms. Toss for 2 minutes and add the spinach. Sauté for 3 minutes then sprinkle the remaining mixed pepper and oregano. Add salt to taste. Keep aside.
Serve by layering the pasta, followed by chicken mix and then white sauce. Sprinkle some chopped parsley. Don’t forget to top it with a smile!
This is another simple recipe with white sauce and chicken and vegetables. I use penne; you could use other pasta of your choice. Cook the penne in lots of salted boiling water as per package instructions. Do not overcook.
For the sauce, melt some butter and add garlic. Sauté till golden brown
Add the cream and milk. Stir for a minute.
When it begins to boil, turn the flame low, simmer and add mixed pepper powder, cayenne pepper and oregano. Add salt to taste. Stir well and switch off the gas.
Get started on the Chicken and Vegetable – you will need boneless chicken cut into thin bite sized strips
I used mushrooms, yellow bell pepper and spinach. It gives such beautiful color to the end result. And ofcourse some garlic.
Get started on the Chicken and Vegetable – Again melt some more butter, add the chicken and sauté on medium flame.
As the chicken starts to cook, add the bell pepper, sauté for a minute and add the mushrooms. Toss for 2 minutes and add the spinach. Sauté for 3 minutes then sprinkle the remaining mixed pepper and oregano. Add salt to taste. Keep aside.
Serve by layering the pasta, followed by chicken mix and then white sauce. Sprinkle some chopped parsley. Don’t forget to top it with a smile!
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